
Camp Site Setup Volunteers!
Texana needs your help!

  • Being part of a terrific organization!
  • Working with the greatest Texans who ever lived!
  • Helping to ensure that future generations of Texans really know the diverse and colorful history of our great state!
  • Please help us save this wonderful program
  • To volunteer call 214-906-5792

Volunteering for Texana is an exciting and fulfilling opportunity. You will meet a lot of wonderful people and help provide a valuable service to the community. Texana volunteers spend time with some of the most interesting people in Texas and get to have a lot of fun while they are doing it!
Our organization is always in need of volunteers who would like to do either first person stage presentations, campsite characters, or generic characters. If you are interested in this, we provide training and guidance to help you with all aspects of character development.

If a center stage roll is not quite what you have in mind, Texana would love to have your help in many other areas.

Texas History Alive: URGENT NEED: Living History Organizations, Reenactors, crafts people and all types of volunteers needed to help with our annual premier event usually held late March – early April. Girl Scouts 4th grade and older may earn Community Service or Leadership Hours. Arrangements must be made well in advance in order to volunteer. All volunteers receive free entrance and a free event patch with a minimum 3-hour shift. To earn Community Service Hours: volunteers may choose to assist with one of the several pre-planned activities. To earn Leadership Hours: girls will plan and implement an activity station and will require addition meetings in order to make preparations. Special plans may be made to earn a Girl Scout IP, Bronze, Silver or Gold Awards as part of this event.

Supplies and training will be provided. You may volunteer as an individual or as a Troop. Individual girls must be accompanied by an adult.

To volunteer email kathy.ogle@swbell.net.
If no response within 24 hours, please call 214-906-5792.
For more information about Texas History Alive! CLICK HERE

Front Office:

Preparation of Newsletter, Event Coordination, Accounting, Volunteer Coordinator, etc.

Back Stage:

Lighting, Sound, Performer’s Assistant, Setup Team, Breakdown Team

Performance Assistant:

Research, Script Writing, Costume Preparation

Trail Drivers:

We need people with trucks and vehicles that can help haul our trailer and chuckwagon to performance sites.

We can also always use help with various committees and special jobs. If you are interested in volunteering in any of these areas, please contact us at 214-906-5792